Embody Her · Coaching Services

From Trauma to Transformation to Thankfulness


From Trauma to Transformation to Thankfulness 〰️

On the road to achieving your dreams, you must apply discipline, but more importantly, consistency. Because without commitment you’ll never start, but without consistency, you’ll never finish.

If you want to embody the masterpiece that you are, you first must master your mindset.

This comes with Discipline, Consistency, and Accountability


This comes with Discipline, Consistency, and Accountability 〰️


It All Begins With One Choice

Take the first step; Trauma to Transformation to Thankfulness


Connection Call

Comfort & Compatability

The intention is right in the name, connection! This is a relaxed conversation that allows us to comfortably connect and discover compatibility. We will explore the opportunities where I can provide support and guidance to lead you on your journey to transformation. Our connection call will conclude with a proposed coaching plan that is customized for your healing, growth, and reclaiming of your life or, other ways we can work togther as business partners on the same collective mission!


Connect & Collaborate

Personal & Intentional

As a certified mindset coach dedicated to women's well-being, I offer a range of opportunities for clients and businesses to connect with me.

1:1 Coaching: Embark on a personalized journey towards self-discovery and empowerment through one-on-one coaching sessions. Together, we'll navigate challenges, set transformative goals, and unlock your full potential.

Empowerment Workshops: Join engaging and interactive workshops designed to foster a supportive community of women. Explore topics such as survivor stories of trauma, self-love & development, and confidence building, gaining valuable insights and practical tools for personal growth.

Motivational Speaking: Invite me to share inspirational stories and insights at your events. Whether it's a corporate gathering, conference, or community event, my motivational speaking sessions aim to inspire and uplift, leaving a lasting impact on your audience.

Collaborative Endeavors: Let's join forces to create meaningful collaborations that contribute to the healing, empowerment, and protection of women. From co-hosting events to developing resources, together we can make a positive impact on the lives of women everywhere.

At Embody HER, the focus is not just on coaching; it's about building a community that supports, empowers, and protects women on their journey to personal and collective healing and success. Contact me today to explore how we can work together to create a brighter and more empowered future for women everywhere.


Embody Her Products

Self-love is the best love!

Our self-love products are designed exclusively for women and young girls. In a world that constantly demands our attention, our carefully curated collection aims to remind you that self-love is not just a luxury but a vital component of a healthy, fulfilling life.

Indulge in our empowering apparel, where every piece is more than just fabric – it's a statement of self-worth. Our cozy hoodies and accessories are adorned with uplifting messages that celebrate the unique strength within you. Kickstart your day or end your evening with positivity using our motivational mugs, turning your daily beverage ritual into a self-affirming experience. Chronicle your personal journey in our beautifully crafted journals and planners, providing a dedicated space for introspection, goal-setting, and self-celebration. Transform your space into a haven of self-love with our carefully selected candles, each scent chosen to foster tranquility and mindfulness. Carry the confidence of empowering affirmations with you through our affirmation cards, and let your dreams take flight on the pages of our inspirational notebooks.

At Embody Her, we believe in the transformative power of self-love, and our products are crafted to be your companions on this journey. Elevate your daily life with items that encourage self-empowerment, healing, and personal growth. Invest in yourself, Queen because you are worth it. Explore our collection and embark on a beautiful voyage of self-discovery and love.


Banishing limiting beliefs one beautiful woman at a time.

I am dedicated to helping you identify your strengths and cultivating your inner power so that monumental change can be created. I vow to lead with integrity, actively listen, support, encourage, and inspire each one of you so that you will excel and persevere in all aspects of your life. My strategy is to bring healing to your mind, body, & soul, and clarity to your goals & priorities so that the focus remains on YOU and your journey to self-improvement. My desire is to help you execute an intentional plan of action that brings your mind to full expansion - unlocking doors to new opportunities and endless possibilities.

As your coach I commit to:

Being fully present and engaged throughout your self-discovery journey.

Being your biggest champion & advocate to healing and real growth.

Holding you accountable to your goals and commitments.

Bringing the full extent of my professional training while utilizing my PhD in Life Exerperience to guide you from trauma to transformation!

Seeing the very best in you when you are unable to see it within yourself.

Challenging you so that you can take intentional action to make impactful changes.

Respecting your boundaries and honoring your trust in me by keeping all conversations/sessions confidential.